National Rally 2023 på Gaustablikk

I disse naturskjønne omgivelsene vil vi i HOG Chapter South East invitere til et fantastisk National Rally 10.-13.august 2023 på Gaustablikk Fjellresort.
Vi legger opp til utflukter til Gaustatoppen, Vemork, Krossobanen pluss mye annet.
Når treffavgift på kr 500,- per pers er betalt til kontonr. 1503 17 19620 vil dere motta en kode på mail som dere må oppgi
til hotellet ved bestilling av overnatting.
Se mer informasjon om påmelding og priser i vedlegget under.

English version:

We are delighted to invite you to NR 2023 at Gaustablikk
To sign up, please send NOK 500,- per person to Iban: NO5815031719620, Swift DNBANOKKXXX.
After payment is sent, send an email to, and provide the total sum paid,
name of the Chapter, as well as a list of every signed up members’ first name, last name and email.
When the email is received and payment is registered, you will receive a code for you to provide when
ordering accomodations.
If the NR 2023 has to be cancelled due to reasons outside of our control, payment pertaining to the
signing up will be refunded.
More information will follow in the beginning of 2023 regarding how to order pins, t-shirts and
registration for various joint dinners and other activities

Information regarding booking and prices for NR 2023 in file below